Monday, July 27, 2009

Is Social Security Disability the Same Thing as SSI?

No. Northern Virginia disability attorney Sheri Abrams has a good basic explanation of the difference on her law office's website at

What is the difference between SSI and Social Security Disability?

Both programs are administered by the Social Security Administration. For most people, the medical requirements are the same and the person's disability is determined by the same process. The major difference is that SSI disability program decisions are also made on the basis of financial need.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI or DIB or Title II) is a program financed with Social Security taxes paid by workers, employers and self-employed persons. Disability benefits are payable to disabled workers, disabled widow(er)s or adults disabled since childhood, who are otherwise eligible. Auxiliary benefits may be payable to a worker's dependents, as well. The monthly disability benefit payment is based on the Social Security earnings of the insured worker on whose Social Security number the disability claim is filed. When you become entitled to twenty-four (24) months of SSDI you are entitled to Medicare at a nominal cost (currently $96.40 a month).

Supplemental Security Income (SSI or Title XVI) is a welfare type program financed through general tax revenues. SSI disability benefits are payable to adults or children who are disabled, meet the income, resource and living arrangement requirements, and are otherwise eligible. (Currently can have no more than $2000 in assets for an individual and $3000 for a couple).

No Auxiliary benefits are paid with SSI. The monthly amount of SSI payments are different in every state and can vary by the persons income and resources. (In Virginia and many other states the maximum amount is currently $674 (2009) per month for an individual and $1011 (2009) a month for a couple).

You can be eligible for SSI even if you have never worked or paid taxes under FICA. Generally, however, to be eligible for SSI payments you need to be a U.S. citizen or meet certain requirements for non-citizens. If you receive SSI you are entitled to Medicaid which is free.

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